Thee Gates Ov Hell | Razorwire Halo | Thyn Own Demise | SANCTUARY | Sainthoodz | The Rocking Pulpit | The Temple | Fresh Blood | Spirits Rebellious | Gallery ov Hate | Santas Sack | Dead Eyez Morgue | Servantz Lodge | XXX ZARD PORN XXX | Visions ov Hell

Goering...such a handsome man....BEFORE
AFTER...Oh well....not bad for a dead dude....
supposed to be hanged for War Crimes he slipped the noose with the help of a 'poison pill'...wouldn't want to ruin his collar line would he?

Ted Bundy...another fine looker....
One electric chair later...

Not bad eh?...took a lot of work I might add...not the waxy skin...Electric chair damage is a tough one....congrats to the guys that put his face straight afterwards...
We've seen the films, read the books and now...for you're viewing dead serial killer!
Oh! my word!....a lady knows not where to look!...*blush*
John Dillinger...suffering a case of "Gangsters Arm"...yup...he's dead...pass the lubricant! NecroGurl has a date!

Warning signs anyone?
Oh look! Kurt has a gun in his mouth!...I wonder if anyone else find this rather telling?...with fore knowledge...8th of Arpil 1994...BLAM!...brains on the carpet...a nation in VERY PISSED OFF 13 year old fire up her Ouiji Bourd...I hate my job...
Marilyn Monroe...suicide...not looking good is it...
"Happy Birthday...Mister President..."

One for the American heart strings.....
Even in his death his eyes shine...I always figured that his womanising was behind his assassination...but hey, I'm just a kid...
Marilyn was good eh?...hope it was worth it...what lovely pair they make...Dead Doves.